“Ereignishaftigkeit auf dem Prüfstand” – Beitrag in der neuen Ausgabe der PLANERIN
Die neue Ausgabe der PLANERIN (05/2024) ist erschienen – diesmal im Fokus: das von Detlef Kurth und Ariane Sept koordinierte Schwerpunktthema “Stadt | Region | Ausstellung – Stadtentwicklung durch Großereignisse”, zu dem ich zusammen mit Christoph Sommer einen Beitrag beisteuern durfte.
Möglichkeitsräume oder Obrigkeitsträume? Über die Chancen und Risiken einer weiteren Internationalen Bauausstellung in Berlin
Gemeinsam mit Christoph Sommer habe ich in einem Gastessay für die taz die Rahmenbedingungen für das Gelingen einer dritten Berliner Internationalen Bauausstellung (IBA) analysiert.
Treating Urban Green Spaces as “Green Premiums” is an Affront: Here's Why
In this opinion piece for Illuminem Voices, I explore the complexities and contradictions of the recent surge and hype around urban greening initiatives, which, while beneficial on a surface level, often also have a "dark side" to them.
Über Überfluss und Mangel in Soho
In Soho in London prallen zwei Welten aufeinander: die des Überflusses und die des Mangels. Für Luxusverwöhnte gibt es hier nahezu alles, von handgefertigten Schokoladentrüffeln bis hin zu Matcha-Lattes und maßgefertigten Lederschuhen aus nachhaltiger Produktion. Was es nicht oder besser gesagt kaum gibt: Läden des täglichen Bedarfs…
Stadtentwicklung in Köln. Scheitern als Kunstform
Stadtentwicklung in Köln bedeutet, ein ums andere Mal nicht fassen zu können, wie Politik und Verwaltung die Stadt gegen die Wand fahren und gleichzeitig nicht mehr im Geringsten überrascht zu sein. Seit Jahrzehnten gehören Pleiten und Pannen ebenso fest zur Domstadt wie der Dom selbst.
Tourism mobilities, social exclusion and planning for urban resilience
The final conference of the Horizon 2020 project SMARTDEST, which will take place in Barcelona from 14 - 16 September, will be packed with exciting guests, inputs and discussions.
Why Am Tacheles is a resonant symbol of missed urban opportunities in Berlin
From "artists’ dream" to "real estate scheme" - this is how one could sum up the recent history of the Tacheles site in Berlin-Mitte - thus also encapsulating the city's overall trajectory post-reunification. A new piece for City Monitor in view of the upcoming opening of the much anticipated Am Tacheles project.
The new “cool”: cities that are cooling down
For decades, city leaders have been preoccupied with making their cities "cool" in the sense of being trendy. However, with the climate crisis becoming ever more pressing, a different, more literal meaning of "cool" is increasingly taking centre stage in debates about the future of cities. In a new article for City Monitor, I explore how cities can and, in many cases, already do take practical and sustainable steps to cool down the urban environment and mitigate the negative effects of rising temperatures and, especially, the occurrence of extreme heat.
Fragile Brutalism. Notions of home and loss in times of war and peace
A collaboration between SERIA__, initiated by artists Dasha Podoltseva and Elena Orap, the London Borough of Hackney, and Johannes Novy on the occasion of the 2023 London Festival of Architecture.
London tops Europe’s “best cities” ranking – here’s why you shouldn’t be bothered
A new study claims that London is the "best city" in Europe. Really? Make no mistake, I love London - I have made it my home for a reason - but as I explain in a new opinion piece for City Monitor, I'm nonetheless not convinced.
Hot off the press: “Interface: ‘Resistance and Response in Planning’”
Susan Fainstein (Harvard University) and John Forester (Cornell University) have put together a series of exciting essays on "Resistance and Response in Planning" for an Interface in the journal Planning Theory & Practice and I am pleased to have been able to contribute to it.
Op-Ed for Illuminem Voices
An op-ed for Illuminem Voices on what we can learn from New York's planning czar Robert Moses about the current struggle for sustainable mobility and liveable cities.
Department stores continue to close up shop
What does store closures for Germany's largest chain mean for the future of city department stores? I explored these and other questions in an op-ed for City Monitor.
“Der Traum von einer Metropole am Rhein” – Gastbeitrag in der taz
In einem Artikel für das Feuilleton der tageszeitung (taz) habe ich mich mit der anhaltenden städtebaulichen Misere in meiner Heimatstadt Köln beschäftigt.
“The Battle for Molkenmarkt: Will Berlin turn to its past, present or future?”
A guest article about the controversies surrounding the future development of Berlin's oldest square for City Monitor.
“Overtourist City”
I will be giving a talk in early December at the international conference “Overtourist City” at the Escuela de Arquitectura de Málaga on "Tourists in the City. From conflict (back) to sociability and mutual benefit".
“Cohousing is empowering people to fight back against a global housing crisis”
An article for The Conversation on the benefits of co-housing as (part of) a response to the global housing crisis.
Reindustrialisation and the case for urban manufacturing
An article for City Monitor on the rise, decline and emerging signs of a comeback of urban manufacturing and what cities can do to strengthen it.
Planning needs more innovation and drive: IBAs could show the way
Could International Building Exhibitions (IBAs) give urban planning in the UK a boost and help it address some of the pressing built environment challenges before us? In an opinion piece for the Royal Town Planning Institute's magazine The Planner, I suggest it's worth a try.
Hot off the press: “Streets For All: 50 Ideas for Shaping Resilient Cities”
I was happy to co-author a chapter with Deike Peters - "Turning streetscapes into public spaces" - for Shyam Khandekar and Vinayak Bharne’s new book Streets For All.